del Drago F., Tortolini P., Petrangeli M. (2015)
“The new Kamoro suspension bridge in Madagascar”
Global Engineering Challenges, IABSE Conference GENEVA 2015, September 23-25. ISBN:978-3-85748-140-6.
Petrangeli M., Viskovic A. (2015)
Third Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, Antalya 7-9 September 2015.
Petrangeli M., Andreocci C. and Pietrantoni M. (2015)
Elegance in Structure, IABSE Conference NARA 2015, May 13-15. ISBN:978-3-85748-138-3.
Petrangeli M., Usai G. and Pietrantoni M. (2015)
Elegance in Structure, IABSE Conference NARA 2015, May 13-15. ISBN:978-3-85748-138-3.
Petrangeli M., Marcantonio P.R. (2014)
Giornate AICAP 2014, Bergamo 22-24 maggio 2014.
Tortolini P., Marcantonio P.R., Petrangeli M. (2013)
XXIV Congresso CTA, Torino 30 settembre 2013 – 2 Ottobre 2013.
Petrangeli M., Marcantonio P.R., Tortolini P. (2013)
XV Convegno ANIDIS 2013, Padova 30 giugno – 04 luglio 2013.
Petrangeli M., Marcantonio P.R., Tortolini P. (2013)
XV Convegno ANIDIS 2013, Padova 30 giugno – 04 luglio 2013.
Petrangeli M., Viskovic A., Marcantonio P.R. (2013)
Second Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, Istanbul 9-11 September 2013.
Petrangeli M. and Pietrantoni M. (2013)
Assessment Upgrading and Refurbishment of Infrastructures, IABSE Conference, Rotterdam May 6 – 8 2013, pp. 186-187. ISBN:978-3-85748-123-9.
Tortolini P., Spacone E., Petrangeli M. (2012)
SSCS2012 Numerical Modeling Strategies for Sustainable Concrete Structures, Aix-en-Provence (France) May 29 - June 1, 2012.
Tortolini P., Petrangeli M., Spacone E. (2011)
XX Congresso AIMETA 2011 Bologna 12 - 15 Settembre 2011.
Tortolini P., Marcantonio P.R., Petrangeli M., Lupoi A. (2011)
XIV Convegno ANIDIS 2011Bari 18 - 22 settembre 2011.
Tortolini P., Petrangeli M., Spacone E. (2011)
XIV Convegno ANIDIS 2011. Bari 18 - 22 settembre 2011.
Marcantonio P.R., Usai G., Petrangeli M. (2011)
Giornate A.I.C.A.P. 2011. Padova 19-21 Maggio 2011.
Tortolini P., Usai G., Petrangeli M. (2011)
Giornate A.I.C.A.P. 2011 Padova 19-21 Maggio 2011.
Marcantonio P.R., Petrangeli M. (2011)
Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering CCC2011, 22-23 Sept 2011 Balatonfured.
Marcantonio P.R., Petrangeli M. (2011)
Concrete Engineering for excellence and efficiency Fib Symposium PRAGUE 2011, 8-10 June 2011 Prague, pp. 1117-1120. ISBN:978-80-87158-29-6.
Tortolini P., Petrangeli M. (2011)
Concrete Engineering for excellence and efficiency Fib Symposium PRAGUE 2011, 8-10 June 2011 Prague, pp. 423-426 (short version), pp.1-10 (long version). ISBN:978-80-87158-29-6.
Marcantonio P.R., Tortolini P., Petrangeli M. (2009)
XIII Convegno ANIDIS 2009, Bologna 28 Giugno – 2 Luglio 2009. ISBN:978-88-9042-920-0.
Tortolini P., Petrangeli M., Spacone E. (2009)
XIII Convegno ANIDIS 2009, Bologna 28 Giugno – 2 Luglio 2009. ISBN:978-88-9042-920-0.
Petrangeli M., Usai G., Tortolini P. (2009)
Giornate A.I.C.A.P. 2009. Pisa 4-16 Maggio 2009.
Prevedini C., Ciccone T., Petrangeli M., Petrangeli M. (2009)
Giornate A.I.C.A.P. 2009. Pisa 4-16 Maggio 2009.
Petrangeli M. and Petrangeli M. (2009)
Sustainable Infrastructure, IABSE Symposium, Bangkok 2009, Thailand, 9-11 September 2009, pp.450-451.
Petrangeli M., Usai G., Zoppis E. (2009)
Sustainable Infrastructure, IABSE Symposium, Bangkok 2009, Thailand, 9-11 September 2009, pp. 300-301.
Petrangeli M., Usai G., Orlandini M., Magnorfi F. (2008)
17° Congresso C.T.E., Roma 5-8 Novembre 2008, pp 1067-1076.
Tortolini P., Tamagno C., Petrangeli M. (2007)
XII Convegno ANIDIS, Pisa, Giugno 2007.
Petrangeli M., Usai G., Magnorfi F., Orlandini M., Geremia G. (2006)
Responding to Tomorrow Challenges in Structural Engineering, IABSE Symposium, Budapest, Sept. 13-15, 2006.
Petrangeli M., Petrangeli M. (2006)
7th Int. Conf. on Short & Medium Span Bridges, IABSE, Montréal, Aug. 23-25, 2006. ISBN:1-894662-09-1.
Petrangeli M., Tamagno G. (2006)
7th Int. Conf. on Short & Medium Span Bridges, IABSE, Montréal, Aug. 23-25, 2006 ISBN:1-894662-09-1.
Petrangeli M., Andreocci C., Magnorfi F., Orlandini M., Geremia G. (2006)
7th Int. Conf. on Short & Medium Span Bridges, IABSE, Montréal, Aug. 23-25, 2006. ISBN:1-894662-09-1.
Albanesi T., Biondi S., Petrangeli M. (2002)
Proceedings, 12th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, London, England, 2002, Paper No. 605.
Albanesi T., Biondi S., Petrangeli M. (2001)
X Convegno ANIDIS, Potenza, Settembre 2001.
Attolico A., Biondi S., Nuti C., Petrangeli M. (2000)
“Influence of buckling of longitudinal rebars in finite element modelling of reinforced concrete structures subjected to cyclic loading: two case studies”
Atti, Workshop Finale sul Programma di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale Esercizio finanziario 1997, PRIN 97, Protezione Sismica dell’Edilizia Esistente e di Nuova Edificazione attraverso Sistemi Innovativi, Napoli, 12-13 Maggio 2000.
Attolico A., Biondi S. and Petrangeli M. (2000)
12 WCEE, Auckland, New Zealand, Paper No. 0896, p. 896.
Ranzo G., Petrangeli M. and Pinto P.E. (2000)
12 WCEE (World Conference on Earthquake Eng.), Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 1958.
Attolico A., Biondi S., Nuti C., Petrangeli M. (1999)
“Influenza del buckling delle armature longitudinali nella modellazione agli elementi finiti di strutture in cemento armato”
Atti del Nono Convegno di Ingegneria Sismica in Italia, Torino 21-24 Settembre.
De Sortis A., Nuti C. and Petrangeli M. (1998)
Proc. 11th Eur. Conf. on Earthquake Eng.rg, Paris, France. A.A. Balkema /Rotterdam/Brookfield/1998, p. 337.
Petrangeli M. and Pinto P.E. (1998)
Proc. EURO-C 1998 Conf. On comp. Modelling of concrete structures, Badgastein, Austria. A.A. Balkema Rotterdam/ Brookfield / 1998, pp. 767-776. ISBN:90-5410-946-7, WOS:000073919000078.
De Sortis A., Nuti C., Petrangeli M. (1997)
"Prove Pseudodinamiche su ponti progettati secondo Eurocodice 8 e secondo normativa Italiana”
Atti dell’ottavo Convegno di Ingegneria Sismica in Italia, Taormina 21-24 Settembre, Vol.2 pp. 1245-1252.
Petrangeli M.P. and Petrangeli M. (1997)
"Seismic aspects of the Wadi Dib Cable Stayed Bridge"
Proc. of "The Second Italy-Japan Workshop on Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges", Roma, ISSN:0386-5878 Technical Memorandum of PWRI No.3503, Ministry of Construction, Japan, 27-28 February 1997, ISSN:0386-5878 pp. 221-231.
Petrangeli M. and Pinto P.E. (1997)
Proc. of "The Second Italy-Japan Workshop on Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges", Roma, ISSN:0386-5878 Technical Memorandum of PWRI No.3503, Ministry of Construction, Japan, 27-28 February 1997, pp. 189-199.
Petrangeli M.P. and Petrangeli M. (1995)
"Seismic Retrofitting of two large span bridges"
Proc. of "The First Italy-Japan Workshop on Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges", ISSN:0386-5878 Technical Memorandum of PWRI No.3369, Ministry of Construction, Japan, 13-14 March 1995, pp.169-179.
Petrangeli M. and Pinto P.E. (1995)
"A Fibre Model for elements under cyclic bending and shear"
Proc. of "The First Italy-Japan Workshop on Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges", ISSN:0386-5878 Technical Memorandum of PWRI No.3369, Ministry of Construction, Japan, 13-14 March 1995, pp. 20-32.
Petrangeli M., Pinto P.E. and Ciampi V. (1995)
Proc. of "The Fifth SECED Conf. on European Seismic Design Practices", Chester, U.K. Ed.A.S.Elnashai, Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield, 26-27 October 1995, ISBN:9054105887, pp. 411-419. WOS:A1995BE35M00050.
Ciampi V., Petrangeli M. (1994)
"Equilibrium based numerical solutions for the nonlinear beam problem"
Proc. VIII convegno di meccanica computazionale, Torino, pp. 56-61.
Petrangeli M., Ciampi V. (1994)
"A flexibility based 3-dimensional fibre beam element"
Proc. VIII convegno di meccanica computazionale, Torino, Giugno 1994, pp. 50-55.
Petrangeli M. and Pinto P.E. (1994)
"Example A. Modern multispan bridge seismic response and assessment. Nonlinear and Linear models"
"Second International Workshop on Seismic Design of Bridges”
Queenstown, New Zealand, pp. 579-596.
Petrangeli M., Ozbolt J. (1994)
Proc. Int. Conf. Localized Damage 94, 21-23 June Udine, Italy, ISBN:1-85312-262-9 pp. 157-165. WOS:A1994BB55Q00019.
Ozbolt J., Petrangeli M., Eligehausen R. (1994)
EURO-C International Conference on Computer Modelling of Concrete Structures, Innsbruck, Austria, 22-25 March 1994, ISBN:0906674840, pp. 383-392. WOS:A1994BD82N00034.